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Enjoy the Lomagnol ★★★ cambiste. Near Montauban, Agen and Auch. 

Discovery and nature :

  • Lomagne, Natural gateway 
  • Lomagne, Family destination
  • Lomagne, Bastides and villages of character
  • Lomagne, South-west Occitanie
  • Beaumont, another idea of mathematics 


Beaumont-de-Lomagne is a bastide and represents one of the most perfect examples of a new 13th century town.
The hall and the church are its main medieval monuments. Supported by 38 columns, the structural hall still hosts the market and its morphology remains that of the Middle Ages.
The fortified church is a masterpiece of southern Gothic whose elegant bell tower was undertaken on the model of the Jacobins of Toulouse.
Beaumont-de-Lomagne is also the hometown  of the famous mathematician Pierre Fermat. 

In Beaumont-de-Lomagne, science and mathematics are learned while having fun: manipulations, workshops, puzzles… Lovers of scientific and cultural tourism, the Maison Natale of Pierre Fermat welcomes you.

Come and get ideas in activities, leisure and outings for the family in Lomagne Tarn-et-Garonnaise!

The great sites of Occitanie

There are three of them in the Tarn-et-Garonne, the great sites of Occitania are gems to discover:
Moissac, masterpiece of Romanesque art; Montauban, city of Ingres and the Canal des Deux Mers linking Toulouse to Bordeaux.

Prettiest villages of France

Lauzerte is a privileged stop on the way to Santiago de Compostela, perched in a characteristic landscape of Quercy Blanc.

Auvillar, overlooking the Garonne, is also a picturesque stop for pilgrims. Village famous in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries for its earthenware.

Bruniquel is at the crossroads of Quercy, Rouergue and Albigensian country. It seduces with its medieval atmosphere: its ramparts and its two castles.


The villages of character.  

Saint Antonin Noble Val, Caylus, Montpezat de Quercy, Montjoi, Castelsagrat, Dunes, Beaumont de Lomagne, Maubec, Varen, Montricoux


The Tarn-et-Garonne is a must for amateurs and connoisseurs with:

The paradise of fruits, nicknamed the orchard of Occitania, kingdom of foie gras and magret, wine estates as far as the eye can see, with its emblematic garlic and unmistakable truffles, the Tarn-et-Garonne combines flavors and art of the table.

Rich in its diversity of landscapes, agricultural land and favourable climate, the Tarn-et-Garonne region cultivates a unique culinary heritage with:

  • Moissac’s chasselas 
  • saffron
  • truffle
  • Quercy’s melon 
  • Lomagne’s garlic 

… without forgetting the Musée des Arts de la Table à l’Abbaye de Belleperche and the famous Association des Restaurateurs !